Rosie Riders of Kansas

Ready to Ride

Are you a woman who rides her own motorcycle?

We invite women of all riding abilities to join the Rosie Riders of Kansas.

Do you enjoy…

1. Spending a weekend riding the back roads?
2. Taking a week-long ride across country?
3. Going for lunch & dinner rides on a beautiful day?
4. All of the above?

As female motorcycle culture expands, the Rosie Riders of Kansas have a lot to offer.

Additionally, we help women learn more about the motorcycles they ride.

Women riders are unique and like many things in life, we are a minority. One of our goals is to educate other women about riding in a comfortable environment.

Asking men questions about motorcycles can sometimes be intimidating so why not ask a sister rider.  We have all had the same questions and learned some hard lessons about riding a motorcycle so we’ve been in your boots.

Have Questions?
If you have questions about the Rosie Riders of Kansas, please fill out the information on the Contact Us page and we will contact you shortly.